Better Together
You were created to live in community. God intends for your life path to closely intersect with other followers of Jesus. Here at LifePath Church, one way we make sure we are in this together is through LifeGroups.

LifeGroups are a place to pursue God's path for your life in the context of authentic community with others pursuing the same. You will foster relationships and grow as a follower of Jesus through intentional investment in each other's lives. You will never fully experience all that LifePath has to offer until you connect to a LifeGroup.
LifeGroups are relaxed, non-threatening small groups of 3-10 people that meet in various venues: homes, coffee shops, restaurants, and online.

These groups gather for community and discussion based on the sermon from the previous weekend—discussing the tension between what we are learning and what we are living.
These groups gather to grow deeper together through the study of a particular book, topic, or book of the Bible.
These groups are designed to cultivate spiritual relationships through common interests and activities.

If you need help finding the group that's right for you—fill out the form below and one of our team members will get in touch with you.