My Story

Encountering Jesus

Everyone has a story.

In this series some of the great Gospel stories are told of people who had a life-changing encounter with the most significant person to ever walk this planet—Jesus Christ.

When Jesus comes into your life your life story is changed forever. No matter what your story is, it's incomplete without Him.

Messages In Series

Legion: Horror to Hope

Jesus is the hope that overcomes the horrors of life and death.

Mark 5:1-20

Samaritan Woman: Thirst No More

Only Jesus can satisfy the thirsty soul.

John 4:1-30,39-42

Zacchaeus: Don't Come Up Short

The ladder of success may take you high in this life, but will leave you short of eternal life.

Luke 19:1-10

Saul: Religion or Jesus

Man's way to reach God is religion;

God's way to reach man is Jesus.

Acts 9:1-16

Thief on the Cross: Conversion at Calvary

Troy Wilkinson

Jesus has the power and the willingness to save the worst sinner that repents.

Luke 23:39-43

If after listening you need spiritual guidance or want to share how God used the message in your life, click here to contact us.